I am so thankful for a God who pursues us.
Lately, I have been self-conscious about my little prayers. Like asking God to get me to where I need to be on time. Or asking Him to help me find something I've been looking for. Or praying for joy. In retrospect, these are all very small and trivial requests. Does God really care about my happiness when there are millions being persecuted for His name in the Middle East? Doesn't He have more important things to do before the sun goes down?
I've learned two absolutely crucial things from these questions. First, we cannot assume that God runs on the same time frame we do. All too often I get caught up in the fact that "God doesn't have time for this", but that is entirely untrue. He is God, and he is not like us.
In Mere Christianity (a book every human should read), C.S. Lewis explains God's timelessness by comparing Him to a child and us to a child's play toys. The child can play and play with his toys in their own little world, and then walk away and have a meal or read a book on his own time. This can help us comprehend how God is "not of this world" even though he created it.
That's a very hard concept for me to wrap my head around and I don't quite understand it, but who would want to worship a God who we completely and totally understand? Where would faith come in to play? There are several theories about how God is involved in time, so I challenge you to research each of them thoroughly before deciding on one for yourself!
In Mere Christianity (a book every human should read), C.S. Lewis explains God's timelessness by comparing Him to a child and us to a child's play toys. The child can play and play with his toys in their own little world, and then walk away and have a meal or read a book on his own time. This can help us comprehend how God is "not of this world" even though he created it.
Lewis says,“Almost certainly God is not in time. His life does not consist of moments one following another...Ten-thirty-- and every other moment from the beginning of the world--is always Present for Him. If you like to put it this way, He has all eternity in which to listen to the split second of prayer put up by a pilot as his plane crashes in flames.”
That's a very hard concept for me to wrap my head around and I don't quite understand it, but who would want to worship a God who we completely and totally understand? Where would faith come in to play? There are several theories about how God is involved in time, so I challenge you to research each of them thoroughly before deciding on one for yourself!
The second thing I've learned is that God care so much about the details. He truly cares about the smallest specifics of our lives.
Look at this flower for example! I had seen flowers like this every single day, but I had only looked at them through my eyes without thinking anything else. When I took the time to look at them from the perspective that a God who is all-knowing and completely powerful created them, I was awestruck. Why would he care to make a roadside plant look like this? Why would he care to make it so appealing to us? The answer is simple, yet hard to fully grasp: because He loves us. He wants to make sure every single detail of our lives brings us joy due to His glory. He loves when we smile and stop to smell the roses. He loves when we marvel at His creation.
Our extraordinary and intricate God loves us.
Our extraordinary and intricate God loves us.
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