
Austin, Jesus is Near


Summer is here, and Austin is beautiful. Hear the prayers of this city and the people you call "loved".

May our conversations exist to glorify You. Even though our flesh fails, enable us to use our words to draw others near to you in times of trouble and in joy. May we build each other up and push one another closer and closer to You.
May those impacted by the flood depend on You more than they ever have, and may this city come together to give time and money generously to those who need it most.
May the rainbows remind us of your covenant with us. Let the sun shine down on us until we are filled with vitamin D and smiles.
May those visiting Austin feel the overwhelming peace that only Your presence can bring. When others see this city as a dark place, shine through our messy souls. Use the flawed humans that you recklessly love to light up this city. 
May music bring people closer to you. Allow profound lyrics and emotional instrumentals to move people to catch a glimpse of your deep love for them.
May the students throughout Austin pursue knowledge wholeheartedly, but may we learn to see success as you do. Inspire us, motivate us, and enchant us with the beautiful world You have made. But, remind us that this world is temporary and success can mean many things.
May the careers we pursue bring others to know You. Jesus, guide us and push us in the direction of Your will. Help us trust you when it's hard to know which path we should take.
May we learn more about your character through salsa, queso, guacamole, and jalapeno ranch.
Mostly, give us courage to love. Without love, we are nothing. Challenge us to love one another deeply and ferociously. Remind us what radical love looks like. Expose beautifully broken pieces of us to one another, so that we may use those pieces to point back to you.


Austin, Jesus is near.

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